POWERCLAD®scaffold sheeting & fence sheeting.

Powerclad Keder Sheeting

Keder & Temporary Roof Sheeting

A full-width woven reinforcement fabric to provide stronger sheeting product than those with welded seam joints.

  • Reinforced PVC or polyethylene with high tensile scrim reinforcement
  • Suitable all modular temporary roof systems
  • Ideal for temporary weather protection and containment
  • Choice of grades all conform to BS 7955
  • Flame retardant options, third party approved
  • Custom sizes for clients’ specific requirements
Installation Instructions
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Powerclad Keder Sheeting Installation
  • Suitable for both roof & side keder systems
  • Made to customer’s specific sizes to accommodate any bay width and keder diameter
  • Heavy duty premium FR grade ideal for exposed locations and long-term installations.

Keder and temporary roof sheeting technical


Keder and temporary roof sheeting provides an improved working environment and significant environmental and safety benefits.

This technical briefing is designed to increase the awareness of the relevant standards and guidelines applicable to scaffold sheeting. Many construction sites continue to use non-compliant materials that increase risk and compromise safety.

Powerclad® Keder and temporary roof sheeting Sheeting is produced by Industrial Textiles & Plastics (ITP), which has more than 30 years’ experience in developing and manufacturing specialist protective materials for the construction industry, with particular expertise in fire retardant technology.


Applied to modular and non-modular temporary roofing structures, typically comprising a metal framework with a set of trusses, Powerclad Keder and temporary roof sheeting provides a containment and weather protection enclosure system. Its usage minimises weather-induced delays to a project, protects the building from the elements and enhances site safety.

Keder and temporary roof sheeting improves the working area by reducing wind-chill factor, aiding heat retention and containing dust and pollutants. Environmental impact is thus minimised.

Safety: BS 7955 Compliance for Performance and Flame Retardancy

Containment nets and sheets on construction works. Specification for performance and test methods

This is the principal British standard for scaffold sheeting. “BS 7955” must be printed on the sheeting’s packaging to confirm compliancy. Note: some products are offered as “compliant to BS 8410”; this is misleading as BS 8410 refers to a method of installation rather than a measure of performance


Safety: Flame Retardancy third party approvals

Warrington Certifire Certification

Warrington Certifire provides internationally recognised certification in support of fire safety and security. Certifire for manufacturers and suppliers is a scheme that assures performance, quality reliability and traceability of fire protection products and systems. The Certifire brand is recognised by many regulatory authorities worldwide as an international mark of fire safety. Certifire approved products are listed online at WarringtonCertification.com.
Note: Materials that have third party approval must display the appropriate logo (LPCB or Certifire), certificate number and compliance to BS7955 printed on the sheeting at regular intervals. If this does not appear on the sheeting, it does not have accredited third party approval, regardless of what is claimed by the manufacturer.

Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB)

LPCB offers third party approval confirming that products and services have met and will continue to meet these standards.  LPCB is a registered trademark of BRE Global.


The Joint Code of Practice, 9th edition, published October 2015 by the Construction Confederation and The Fire Protection Association, with the support of The Association of British Insurers, The Chief Fire Officers Association and the London Fire Brigade.

The scope of this Code applies to project with an original contract value of
£2.5million or above, and applies equally to smaller value contracts where these are part of a large project. A large project is one with a value of £20million and above. There may be exceptional circumstances, such as in the case of high fire risk sites, where these thresholds are reduced. In cases where the construction contract or the insurance contract does not require this Code to apply, this Code shall serve as ‘best practice’’. All parties must always check with their insurance providers on each project.


Colour Weight Tensile
Conforms to Temperature
Sizes Pallet
Powerclad FR Keder 2000 BS 7837
DIN 4102 B1
NFP92, M2
Ivory 580 MD 2000

XD 2000

BS 7955 -25 to +70 1.0 37 2.07
Varies with roll
Powerclad KRFR Keder TS 62 Cert No. CF5662 Ivory 300 MD 1100

XD 1100

BS 7955 -40 to +70 1.0 NT 2.07
3.00, 3.07
Varies with roll
Powerclad Keder 1100 NA Clear 300 MD 1100

XD 1100

BS 7955 -40 to +70 1.0 53 2.07
3.00, 3.07
Varies with roll

Powerclad Keder Projects


Central Methodist Church, York

ITP supplied our Powerclad Keder KR1100 sheeting as a temporary roofing solution assisting the renovation of Central Methodist Church, a Grade II listed building in the city centre of York.

View all Powerclad projects

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